Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Homemade Greek Yogurt

I've been toying with the idea of trying to make my own yogurt for awhile now, and with literally 100s of recipes online, it really is a matter of just picking one. Last week one of the ladies from my mommy group posted a recipe for Homemade Greek Yogurt that looked so easy. Knowing she had great success, I thought I'd give it a try. 

I'm not going to go into grand details since I followed the recipe pretty much exactly (except I halved it) but here is the rundown:

- Heat up 4 cups of milk in a saucepan until it reaches 180F exactly. 
- Let it cool until it is between 110-120F
- Stir in 1 tsp of plain yogurt
- Let it incubate for 8-12 hours in the oven (we left ours for 12 hours)
- Strain
- Mix in flavour. We added about a 1 tsp of vanilla and 1.5 tbsp of honey

There's a few things I wanted to mention:

This recipe is super super easy, but slightly time consuming. It took about an hour to heat up, then cool down the milk to the desired temperatures. However after that was done, I just put the bowl in the oven overnight. 

Jason took it out the next morning since I was at work and left it to strain for several hours in the fridge. We weren't sure how long we were suppose to leave it, so we just let it hang until supper time. 

Unless you like plain yogurt, you pretty much need to add a sweetener of some kind. This time we chose honey, next time I think we'll try maple syrup. 

In conclusion, we'll definitely be doing this again!

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